International Cooperation at ENIT
International cooperation has always been at the heart of ENIT’s policy since it was created in 1968 as part of an agreement between Tunisia and the former Soviet Union, alongside the establishment of privileged partnerships. with renowned French engineering schools including the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts et Métiers, the Ecole Centrale de Paris and the Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité as well as the French Institute of Petroleum. This international cooperation has diversified and expanded over time, and ENIT now maintains close links with a number of sister institutions that have led to the establishment of several double degree engineering and partnership agreements in research and development. in training through research. ENIT, through the UTM, is a member of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). She is also a founding member of the International Conference of Training Institutes of French Expression Engineers and Technicians (CITEF) and the Mediterranean Network of Engineering Schools (RMEI).

Engineer’s degree and double degrees

ENIT issues engineering degrees in nine (9) streams all of which are covered by

double degree with renowned French institutions.

Six (6) Double Engineer Diploma (SD) agreements have been concluded with:

Mobility of engineering students

Final year projects (ETP) and summer internships are also opportunities for international mobility of ENIT engineering students (68 IEPs and 21 internships abroad in 2016). NIT has been home to the Tunisian branch of IAESTE since 1989. This association allows Tunisian students to do internships in one of the 90 member countries of the International Association of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE). IAESTE, in exchange with an equal number of foreign students who come to do their internships in Tunisia and who occasionally have ENIT as an anchor, which gives our students an opportunity for exchange and sharing .E Each year, months of scholarships are made available to ENIT students by the University of Tunis El Manar for IEPs abroad.

Formation par la Recherche

4 Masters of ENIT have been created in the framework of international cooperation:
1 – The Research Master “Information Processing and Complexity of Life” (TICV) was set up at ENIT in 2006; he is co-graduated with the Master’s degree “Informatique” from Paris Descartes University.
2 – The professional Master’s degree in Innovation Management was set up within the framework of the DICAMP project (Development and Implementation of an Accredited Cross-Universities Innovation Management Master Program in Tunisia) which was the subject of a partnership between ENIT, the Higher School. of Economics and Commerce of Tunis (ESSEC), the Institute of Higher Commercial Studies of Carthage (IHEC) and three European institutions:
ENIT’s Doctoral School of Engineering Science and Technology (ED STI) enables exchanges between doctoral schools abroad through thesis co-supervision agreements and researcher stays in a bilateral or multilateral framework (France , Spain, Morocco, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Canada, USA, …). The number of doctoral theses supported at ENIT (as of 31/12/2016) is 878. The fifth of these theses supported (178) are co-supervised theses.

Un partenariat

privilégié avec

la région MENA

et l’Afrique


over the past 5 years, nearly 100 engineering students from 9 countries: Burkina Faso, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Chad have enrolled in ENIT over the three years of training.

Through various programs: AFIMEGQ “Africa for Innovation, Mobility, Exchange, Globalization and Quality” and ERMIT “Entrepreneurship, Resources, Management, Innovation and Technology” ENIT welcomes students in Masters and PhDs (Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea , Mauritania, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Senegal). All of these students gather around the Association of Sub-Saharan Students in Tunisia.


Research at ENIT has always been based on a wide variety of international collaboration. In the ENIT publications, which numbered 3814 as of 31/12/2016, several have been published in collaboration with international institutions. 59 countries appear in the ENIT publications. France is by far the number one co-authored publication with ENIT researchers, followed by Saudi Arabia, the United States, Canada, Spain and Germany.
663/5000 ENIT’s research structures are well established to respond to the various calls for research projects launched by the Ministry in the framework of bilateral agreements (France, Spain, Portugal, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, South Africa, India …). ). ENI T also participates dynamically in the various multilateral calls for projects (PEER, ERASMUS, ERANETMED, FP6 and FP7, H2020 …). Every year, ENIT receives more than 100 visiting research professors who come to take part in doctoral dissertation juries, research projects, conferences, seminars and courses both in doctoral training and in the training of engineers.
ENIT has a partnership with international research institutes: the CEA (Commission for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies) ranked No. 1 worldwide as a Research Technology Organization by Thomson Reuters and its platform CEA LinkLab in Tunisia, the French Institute of Petroleum, …